Sportscraft Seat Swivels
CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE 2001-2006 T1N Sprinter Van Sportscraft Seat Swivel Instructions
2002-2006 Sprinter Seat Swivel Installation Instructions steps.
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2002 – 2006 Sprinter Passenger Seat Swivel Install:
Removing your T1N Sprinter Van Factory or Aftermarket Seat.
Determine whether you will remove the seat from the cab to install the swivel or if you will set
the seat aside within the cab.
Step one is to figure out if you have to remove the seat from your cab in order to install the swivel in your Sprinter van. The other possibility is that you will have to set the seat aside within your cab.
If you have to remove your seat from the cab.
Use a small screwdriver in order to remove your seat belt cover. See number one in the picture.
Remove the bolt using a 17mm wrench or socket.
You will have to move your seat all the way back.
Find yourself a 6mm Allen wrench or socket and use it to remove both front factory seat
bolts as seen in number 2. Move your seat forward and disconnect the seat heater if you have one.
Move seat forward and disconnect seat heater wiring if equipped. Remove the rear four seat bolts. See the number 3 in the picture.
Lift and move the seat in preparation for the swivel install. Place the swivel on the seat pedestal. Make sure that the release handle is facing toward the door opening. Install both front swivel (this is the information we have, it is unclear what this means) to pedestal bolts and compression washers finger tight (unclear if they mean finger tighten it or make it as tight as possible with your fingers), see the image that contains the number 4.

Swivel pedestal
45° and install both rear bolts and washers, figure 5. Trimming or lowering of the storage box on the left side of the seat pedestal may be necessary to rotate swivel. Using a 5mm Allen wrench or socket, tighten all bolts to 18 pounds and swivel pedestal to forward position. Place seat on swivel and install the rear four factory seat mount bolts finger tight. Move seatback and install both front bolts. Tighten all bolts to 18 pounds. Install seat belt bracket with bolt and tighten to 26 pounds (connect seat heater wiring if equipped).

Drivers Seat Swivel Install:
Following the passenger seat installation directions, remove the drivers seat. Be sure to disconnect
the seat belt wiring before removing the seat, figure 6.
The driver’s side installation requires reorienting the handbrake assembly and trimming the handbrake cover. It is easiest to do this without the seat and swivel installed. Remove the brake cable pin, figure 9 and the brake handle assembly access cover, figure 10.
Using a 13mm socket or wrench, remove the two mounting bolts, number 11 in the picture above.
Remove the handbrake cover, mark and trim as needed, figure 12. The picture shown shows the cut needed for a View/Navion installation. If the installation is for a passenger or cargo van, you will only need to trim about an inch or so to clear the fire extinguisher bracket. Reinstall the handbrake cover on to the handbrake assembly.
Using a 5mm Allen wrench or socket, install the 2 taper head bolts and relocation bracket, figure 13. The tapered end of the bracket points to the rear of the vehicle. If the bracket bolts do not align with the threaded holes in the factory bracket, you may need to drill out the tapered holes of the relocating bracket. Using the two factory 13mm bolts, install the handbrake assembly on to the relocating bracket installed in the prior step. A spacing washer may be needed if mount bolts bottom out against factory mount bracket. Be careful to avoid cross threading the factory mounting bolts. If the bolts will not thread, you may need to remove the handbrake assembly and die grind the handbrake assembly mounting holes to fit. Install brake cable pin and access cover.
After reorienting the handbrake assembly, you will need to adjust the brake cables. Release the handbrake.

Locate the handbrake adjustment assembly under the vehicle just in front of the rear axle, figure 14. Using a 13mm socket and short extension, loosen the four mounting bolts, figure 15.
Move the housing all the way toward the rear of the vehicle, figure 16, and tighten bolts. To adjust the rear set of brake cables, use a 13mm socket with a short extension and loosen set bolt, figure 17.
Rotate cam plate, figure 18, 1/2 to 3/4” clockwise and tighten bolt. Set handbrake and release to ensure cables are not binding. Make sure vehicle will easily roll when in neutral with the handbrake off. Readjust if needed.
Remove the pressboard pedestal cover, mark a line 2.87” from the rear end of the board and cut in two, figure 7.
Place the small board across the front portion of the pedestal. Following the passenger directions, install the swivel and seat. Be sure to pull the seat belt wiring connector through the swivel nut hole and connect to the seat wire harness, figure 8.