Symptoms of T1N 2001-2006 Sprinter’s Overheating:

Defective Solenoid—the solenoid is an electrical component that regulates the amount of fluid that is passed into the transmission. If it misbehaves, that may mean that not enough fluid is being pumped into the transmission, which causes overheating. Sometimes the circuitry causes the solenoid to behave erratically.

Low Fluid Levels—You can look for low levels by checking the T1N Sprinter transmission dipstick. If levels are low then you need to add more fluid recommended by the engineers who designed your 5 Cylinder Sprinter Van transmission system.

Burnt of Ineffective Fluid—You can tell if your T1N Sprinter fluid is burnt just by the smell of it. If it smells burnt then you get it drained and changed. You can tell if the fluid is ineffective by noticing contaminants in the fluid, loss of fluid viscosity or if it’s a dark brown color. Consider using synthetic fluids as they last longer and are more durable when exposed to cold and general wear.

Sea Foam TRANS TUNE Helps fluid systems work smoother & last longer. This is not a commercial, and they are not my affiliate. I just believe that its a great product, and does make a good difference. I don’t want to upsell you, but you can get this Transmission Elixir at any Oreilly’s or Walmart < click there if interested.

Did you catch your Transmission Slipping?

—this mostly occurs when the fluid levels are low, burnt or dirty. Other causes that are rare include worn gears, clutch issues, broken transmission bands. Slipping is also an indicator of bad fluid which causes the transmission to overheat.

Other Causes of T1N Sprinter Transmission Overheating:

Do you live, or travel in Hot Climates?

—a hot climate greatly contributes to an overheating transmission by increasing the temperature of the fluid. This means your T1N van’s ATF will wear out a lot faster.

Do you do a lot of Heavy Towing?

—The extra weight of the loads your van carries means your transmission must work even harder than normal just to start going, which causes it to overheat.

Drive in rush hour Stop and Go Traffic?

—Living in cities means there’s a lot more traffic which means you’re constantly stepping on the brakes and accelerator. Your Sprinter’s transmission then works harder than normal.

Mom said, Change your T1N Sprinter Vans fluids regularly, ok maybe she didn’t.

—we recommend changing your T1N Sprinters fluid every 30k to 60k miles, which is something you can do yourself. If you regularly drive in severely hot or stop and go conditions or drive with heavy loads, you should change the fluid more frequently, about every 15,000 miles. Seafoam Transmission Treatment Automatic Transmission Protectant helps extend the fluid life and reduce wear.

Check Fluids Often—this should be done routinely. We recommend doing it monthly. By checking it, you’ll be able to spot low levels or if its burnt or dirty. Also check regularly for leaks indicated by stains on the driveway or fluid around the transmission parts.

Consider adding a deep pan—this allows you to add more fluid, which helps to cool the transmission even more. This will give you better efficiency and performance. If you have an overheating transmission that happens quite often, consider purchasing a deeper pan. Also, aluminum pans help dissipate heat better than steel.

Cooling System—your T1N Sprinter’s radiator has the job of cooling down the transmission so be sure to keep it healthy. You should change the coolant every 2 years. Also consider adding an external cooler if you drive with heavy loads. Stack plate transmission coolers are the best, they attach to the front of your van’s radiator. External coolers with built in fans are also a good option.



  • Will help your Sprinter Van fluid systems work smoother & improve endurance.
  • Helps improve shift quality
  • Shift Solenoids & Valve Bodies over time will build up varish that sticks to the components and could cause problems over time. Transmission Treatment would help remove the unwanted stickies as it dissolves harmful deposits.
  • Compatible with all conventional & synthetic petroleum & mineral-based automatic transmission fluids


  • With transmission at operating temperature, check the fluid level to make sure the fluid volume does not exceed the manufacturer’s recommendation.
  • Add one pint (16 oz.) of TRANS TUNE to the transmission filler. When adding before a fluid change, drive at least 30 miles to circulate and clean before replacing fluid.
  • When used as a cleaner or conditioner, add TRANS TUNE for the life of the fluid interval. Compatible with all fluid flushing machines.